I am trying to bind a click event to some element using jQuery. Using prototype I know I can do this using BindAsEventListener().
var myObject = {
init: function(txtOneId, txtTwoId, lblResultId, ancAddId) {
this.txtOneId = txtOneId;
this.txtTwoId = txtTwoId;
this.lblResultId = lblResultId;
this.ancAddId = ancAddId;
var addListener = this.addResult.bindAsEventListener(this);
Event.observe(this.txtOneId, 'keyup', addListener);
Event.observe(this.txtTwoId, 'keyup', addListener);
addResult: function() {
var valueOne = $(this.txtOneId).value;
var valueTwo = $(this.txtTwoId).value;
if (isNaN(valueOne) || valueOne == "")
valueOne = 0;
valueOne = parseInt(valueOne);
if (isNaN(valueTwo) || valueTwo == "")
valueTwo = 0;
valueTwo = parseInt(valueTwo);
var result = valueOne + valueTwo;
$(this.lblResultId).innerHTML = result;
return false;
$("#someElement").click( function(event) { alert("Hi you clicked me!"); });
or if you like to define the "handler" as a named function:
function someElementClicked(event) { alert("Hi you clicked me!"); }; $("#someElement").click(someElementClicked);
The exact equivalent is the $().bind() function:
$("#elem").bind('click', function() { //do stuff here });
You will want to use this example: In your sample you use an object in your event handler. This code will allow you to bind the object and get it back as part of the event. It is a little more convenient than creating the closure.
function Something() { this.myData = "fun"; this.handleClick = function(event) { alert(event.data.myData); } } var something = new Something(); $('h2').bind("click", something, something.handleClick);
Bind works with almost every event you need: Possible event values: blur, focus, load, resize, scroll, unload, beforeunload, click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseup, mousemove, mouseover, mouseout, mouseenter, mouseleave, change, select, submit, keydown, keypress, keyup, error
I assume that you are still using prototype, and have added the jQuery no conflict so that $() is a prototype method and $j() is a jQuery method.
You only need to make a change on your init method.
init: function(txtOneId, txtTwoId, lblResultId, ancAddId) { this.txtOneId = txtOneId; this.txtTwoId = txtTwoId; this.lblResultId = lblResultId; this.ancAddId = ancAddId; $j(this.txtOneId).bind('keyup', this, function(e){ e.data.addResult(e) }); $j(this.txtTwoId).bind('keyup', this, function(e){ e.data.addResult(e) }); }
Mike Fielden : That is correct, still using prototype.. sorry should have specified... You are a Nasa contractor too? Cool. -
altCognito wrote:
This code will allow you to bind the object and get it back as part of the event. It is a little more convenient than creating the closure.
The original poster is obviously porting from prototype to jQuery. It will not be more convenient for them to have to rewrite all event handlers to use
instead ofthis
. -
To do it without leveraging prototype functions, you can use jQuery.proxy
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