Thursday, April 28, 2011

Get records ordered alphabetically starting by a certain letter in Sql Server

In SQLSERVER/MSSQL, here's the problem:

SELECT * from [Translation Color] order by [Language Code]

I want records ordered in alphabetical order starting by the 'I' letter.

Example of result:

'Ioren' 'Iumen' 'Tart' 'Arfen' 'Coldry'

I don't want to use union or more sql statements.. just try to catch it with an order by special clause.

I've tried with:


but it didn't work.

Any ideas?

From stackoverflow
  • This should do it:

    ORDER BY CASE WHEN SUBSTRING([Translation Color],1,1) = 'l' 
         THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC


    Full answer for ordering completely starting at i, then looping back round to h is:

    ORDER BY CASE WHEN ASCII(UPPER(SUBSTRING([Translation Color],1,1))) < 73 
             THEN ASCII(UPPER(SUBSTRING([Translation Color],1,1))) + 26
             ELSE ASCII(UPPER(SUBSTRING([Translation Color],1,1))) END ASC,       
             [Translation Color] ASC

    Please note that this will affect performance on large tables.

    avastreg : == gives error, but with one = it works! thank you
    Neil Barnwell : Remember to check the performance is acceptable though, especially if you have or are likely to have a large dataset.
    ck : Yeah sorry about that, am coding in C# at the mo, but I've edited it to be right.
    Neil Barnwell : BTW - very clever solution - trés bien!
    Dog Ears : Does it actually work?
    ck : @Dog Ears: See [== gives error, but with one = it works! thank you – avastreg (49 mins ago)]
    Dog Ears : I'm missing the point but don't you want the data to order like this.. l m n o....g h i j k Does the selected answer do that?
    LukeH : @Dog Ears, You are correct. The OP suggests that they need the ordering I-ZA-H. ck's answer doesn't deliver this, your answer and mine do. Note though that it's an I (i), not an l (L).
    ck : @Dog Ears, Luke: Answer updated with full answer
    avastreg : good work guys! :)
  • Alternatively is this any good:

    select [Translation Color], 
      case when [Translation Color] < 'l' then 1
                         else 0 
                         end as Priority
    from t1 
    order by Priority, [Translation Color]

    This will order it alphabeticly starting at 'l'

    Edit This solution seems to work for me:

    create table t1 ( c1 varchar(20) collate SQL_Latin1_General_Cp437_CI_AS)

    then i populated with some test data then run this:

    select c1 
    from t1 
    order by case when c1 >= 'l' then 0 else 1 end, c1
    ck : +1: nice answer, very clean, but does use separate element in select statement
    Dog Ears : My edit works perfectly but doesn't uses the order by clause.
    Dog Ears : ... *now* uses (not doesn't) the order by clause!
  • SELECT *
    FROM [Translation Color]
        CASE WHEN [Language Code] LIKE '[I-Zi-z]%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
        [Language Code]
    ck : +1: Nice answer, but LIKE clause could be quite slow on large data sets, but possible not as slow as mine :) (however I assume this is a small lookup table)
    LukeH : @ck, The LIKE isn't ideal, but it should still be able to use any index on the [Language Code] column. I suspect that using SUBSTRING, ASCII, UPPER etc would necessitate a table scan.
    LukeH : @ck, I agree that it's most likely a small lookup table. However, even if every drop of performance isn't vital, I think that my answer is more readable than all those string functions.
    ck : You answer is indeed more readable. I like the fact there are three different answers to this question.
    Dog Ears : I like this answer as I imagine it's more tolerant of different collations.


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