How to get all element parents using jquery? i want to save these parents in a variable so i can use later as a selector.
such as <div><a><img id="myImg"/></a></div>
GetParents('myImg'); will return "div a" something like that
Every element has only one real parent. To access and save it, write the following:
myParent = $("#myElement").parent();
If you need the parents parents too, use .parents()
See documentation for further information:
altCognito : But that parent has a parent and so on and so forth.eteubert : That's right, thank you. I edited my answer. -
/// Get an array of all the elements parents:
allParents = $("#myElement").parents("*")
/// Get the nested selector through an element's parents:
function GetParents(id) { var parents = $("#" + id).parents("*"); var selector = ""; for (var i = parents.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { selector += parents[i].tagName + " "; } selector += "#" + id; return selector; }
GetParents('myImage') will return your nested selector: HTML BODY DIV A #myImage
Note sure why you'd want this but its reuseable as a selector.
You can use parents() to get your immediate parent, and their parents on up the tree. you can also pass a selector as an arg to only get parents that match a certain criteria. For instance:
to get all parents who have an id attribute whose value ends with the text "container"
You don't need to grab their selectors, as you can use them directly with jQuery afterwards.
If you want to use all parents later, you can do something like:
var parents = $("#element").parents(); for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++){ $(parents[i]).dosomething(); }
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