Thursday, April 28, 2011

Restore sql doesnt fire


Im trying restore database from backup dynamically with application code

simple sql command for restore

con.execute("RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK='c:\old.bak' " & vbcrlf &_
        "RESTORE DATABASE newdb " & vbcrlf &_
        "FROM DISK='c:\old.bak' " & vbcrlf &_
        "WITH MOVE 'newdb' TO 'c:\newdb.mdf', " & vbcrlf &_
        "MOVE 'newdb_log' TO 'c:\newdb_log.ldf'")

but it doesn't fire, i mean no any errors tried check it with sql profiler and look correctly

FROM DISK='c:\old.bak' 
WITH MOVE 'newdb' TO 'c:\newdb.mdf', 
MOVE 'newdb_log' TO 'c:\newdb_log.ldf'

if i run sql from sql profiler its works

how can u explain this issue?

From stackoverflow
  • To perform a restore you are blocked if the database is in use with other sessions. Make sure you wait for a full 60 seconds and see if there are any timeout errors.

    msony : may i do 'wait time' with sql server, something like sleep, does it exists in sql server?
    Neil Barnwell : I don't know about sleeping in T-SQL, but you can set the IDbCommand.CommandTimeout property in .NET objects. It is typically 30 seconds, while connection timeouts are defaulted to 60 seconds.
    msony : problem... its classic asp
    msony : ok, trying with ADODB.Command
    msony : no, CommandTimeout doesnt work, any ideas?
    Neil Barnwell : How long have you left it running? Go get lunch or a coffee and come back some time later. Also, try using SQL Profiler and the sp_who2 stored procedure to see if anything is blocking you. Connection pools can make this tricky because even if you put it back in the pool, it's still connected.
    Neil Barnwell : As GBN above states, ensure that your asp application's connection string is for the MASTER database, not the one you're trying to restore...
  • I guess the connection you are using as a lock on the database so it can't restore. When you run it directly, you haven't.

    What about this?

    con.execute("USE master" & vbcrlf &_
            "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK='c:\old.bak' " & vbcrlf &_
            "RESTORE DATABASE newdb " & vbcrlf &_
            "FROM DISK='c:\old.bak' " & vbcrlf &_
            "WITH MOVE 'newdb' TO 'c:\newdb.mdf', " & vbcrlf &_
            "MOVE 'newdb_log' TO 'c:\newdb_log.ldf'")

    Or changing the database in the connection string?

  • Try killing all the users in the database your restoring to before running the restore, a restore will fail if there are any active connections to the db. There is example code of how to do this all over.

    Also make sure your connection string used when you call the restore from your application doesn't connect to the db your restoring to, but connects to something like master or msdb.


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